Attorney Instructions

General Information:

For all matters pending before this court, please efile an entry of appearance and motion for continuance. This must be done via

If you are calling a case up for a hearing in front of the Judge, please file this motion at least 24 hours in advance.

All requests for a recommendation and/or discovery MUST be sent separately to the attention of Tom Spoon, Prosecuting Attorney at 827 N. Rock Hill Rd., Rock Hill, MO 63119, with a service copy of your entry of appearance, a copy of the ticket(s), any compliance that may be needed, and a SASE. To obtain ticket information and court dates, click here.  Failure to send a SASE and compliance may result in a recommendation not being issued.

If you do not efile a motion for continuance with the court, your case WILL NOT be continued. 

If you have not received a recommendation or accepted a recommendation by the court date, it is expected that you will efile a motion for continuance or appear in court on the court date to request a continuance from the Judge.  The prosecutor cannot grant continuances.  

If you are representing someone charged with Stealing, DWI or Drugs, or someone who is receiving probation, you must return a copy of the recommendation to the Prosecutor, indicating you intend to accept his offer.  He will then send you plea and probation forms to complete with your client.  Those forms, along with the court's copy of the signed recommendation letter, must be returned to the court PRIOR to the court date.  You and your client will then plea IN PERSON in front of the Judge.

The Court will NOT process requests for recommendations or discovery, nor will those requests, if addressed to the Court or e-filed, be forwarded to the prosecutor. The Court also will NOT answer questions regarding recommendations unless a signed acceptance of the recommendation is on file (acceptance letters must be signed by both the attorney of record AND the defendant).

No payment will be accepted without a signed copy of the recommendation. Signed acceptance letters can be submitted in person, through the mail, or via fax to (314) 968-4843.